Long Bui consistent and discipline

Create a Second Brain with PARA Method

Create a Second Brain with PARA Method

Diagram of Showing the Brain-flow


mermaid Chart

    participant Person
    participant Project
    participant Area
    participant Resource
    participant Archive

    Person->>+Project: 1. Idea, Brainstorm Projects
    Project-->>-Person: 2. Schedule, Priority

    Person->>+Area: Classify Projects, Split Objects
    %% Area-->>-Person: Area Data

    Person->>+Resource: 3. Collect Resources
    Resource-->>-Person: Information, Note, Idea -> (1)

    Person->>+Archive: 4. Review, evaluate Project, note, tag
    Archive-->>-Person: Query, Search by tag, graph

    Project->>Area: Projects aligns with Areas
    Area->>Resource: Areas uses Resources
    Resource->>Archive: Resource resides in Archive
    %% Archive->>Area: Retrieve Archived Data
    %% Archive->>Project: Retrieve Archived Data


You can use any Tool/Application such as Notion, Note Ever, Obsidian, Code, Apple Notes, Google Note, etc to create your Note Taking System.

Key Evaluations:

  • Notion: Great for structured notes, project management, and team collaboration due to its flexibility and database-like features.

  • Obsidian: Ideal for those who prefer a more text-focused, interconnected note-taking approach using markdown and local storage, syndication, Markdown code, etc.

  • Google Keep: Simple and intuitive for quick notes, lists, and reminders, tightly integrated with Google services.

  • Apple Notes: Seamless integration with Apple devices, good for basic note-taking, checklists, and syncing across devices.

Best Practices

I might right or wrong for you cases, everyone should figure out the best way to do things by their own. This is the way I am doing taking notes and creating Data Pipeline for data everything I read,hear, observe, practice, and think…

Synchronicity is the most important thing, create your ecosystem.

In my case, I am using Apple’s synchronicity.

  1. Integrate your brain with Apple’s synchronicity
  2. Collect notes via iPhone, MacBook into a datalake (Draft Section)
  3. Structure them to Project (Document, Dev folder)
  4. Model project to Key Area, Goal, Objective, add tags
  5. Add Resources to project
  6. Repeat the above process til Archive
  7. Using Tag and Search for query and retrieve information.

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