Long Bui consistent and discipline


Thought of Self-Taught

There are things I noted from the inspired video that how we should teach/coach others to do what they wanted to do.

Why we are feeling stuck? and we don’t know how to go forward…

Watch this video Learning Method -


  • 2024/01/25: Initial Version
  • 2024/04/13: Update Content
  • 2024/06/03: Update Method

Key Notes

Problems ?

  • Teaching the fundamental things and people can self-going forward
  • It more easy to tell people what they need to do than telling us to do what we have to do.
  • How to start to learn the new things?
    • You need to be clear that something changes but somethings are not changed
    • Which is the fundamental things won’t changes
  • From messy to minimalism, from minimalism to maximalist


flowchart LR
r1["fontawesome-solid-check Start from small"] --> r2["Keep Discipline"] & r3["Do Consistent"] --> r4["Never-end"] --> r1["Start from small"]


I recommended you to follow the 1-1-1-1 (4 number 1) method


  • Are you feel empty, sleepy, loss ???
  • Start learning by this method and your own way
  • Stop the learning session and take a breath
  • Continue

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