Data Testing Strategies

Data quality is the measure of how well suited a dataset is to serve the specific needs of an organization in a particular context. Data quality refers to the development and implementation of activities that apply quality management techniques to data. Examples of data quality issues: duplicated data, incomplete data, inconsistent data, incorrect data, poorly defined data, poorly organized data, and poor data security (Data Governance Concern)

Data Testing Strategies

Data Testing - Function

  • Metadata testing: verification of Data warehouse table definitions.
  • Data Completeness: Data is not missing
  • Data Consistency: Data consistency refers to the uniformity of data as it moves across networks and applications. The same data values stored in difference locations should not conflict with one another.
  • Data Uniqueness: No duplicated in dataset
  • Data Validity: involves performing number check, date check, precision check, data check, Null check, etc.
  • Data Accuracy: Data objects correctly represent the values
  • Data Migration Testing:
    • Schema Compare Tests:
      • Check if the table and column name is the same between source and target.
      • Datatype mapping between source and destination should be correct. Example source column with INT datatype should be NUMERIC in the target system.
      • Verify the views, primary keys, and indexes are also matching.
    • Row Count Tests:
      • One-time Row Count checks for the initial loads of all the tables.
      • Row Count checks for delta loads of all or specific tables.
    • Data Comparison Tests:
      • Check the first name column in the source, and the target is the same.
      • Ensure the date value is matching even though the format is different between the source and the target.
    • Data Aggregation Tests:
      • Verify that summation for all the numeric columns in a table matches source and target.

Data Testing Non Function

  • Data Quality Monitoring: Test pipeline failure cases, check logs and notify when there is an error
  • Infrastructure: mechanism to copy, backup and restore data
  • Data security:
    • User Authentication checks and User Role-Based Authorization
    • Data Encryption and Masking of Personal Information
    • Data performance
    • Data collection phase: speed and capacity to graph data within a given time frame from different sources.
    • Data processing: processing speeds are validated. Queries to be executed are expected to perform with high speeds and with low latencies
    • Data ingestion phase: Application is tested and validated base on its space and capacity to load the collected data from the source to the destination
    • Component Testing:
      • Highly available and connected
      • Component back up should be online when any node phase faces failure
      • Parameters of performance Testing
      • Data storage
      • Commit logs
      • Concurrency
      • Caching

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